Systems constellation work is part of my “tool box” as an intuitive counselor along with Tarot. Since both methods access information within the Morphic Field, they complement each other, and provide a much deeper and nuanced understanding of the situation as well as possible of healing and resolution.
There are times when clients are stuck and cannot seem to move forward no matter how much conscious efforts were taken. Unhealthy patterns keep appearing and repeating in their life. In such a case I often tap into the Field to find if there are systemic (family and ancestoral) influences are interfering with their life paths.
In his Family Systems Constellation Work, Bert Hellinger observed in The Field that every member of a family or system has equal right to “belong.” When any member has been excluded from the family system, could be from premature death, war, abuse, unacceptable behavior, and unexpressed feelings- the family system will attempt to self-correct. There will then be negative consequences for subsequent generations. Excluded family members and their suppressed suffering become lingering unresolved energies in a family system. The “family conscience” does not allow any member to be “forgotten.” An excluded family member will be represented by a later born family member who unconsciously takes over unresolved energies in the family system so that the system as a whole can regain balance and order. Thus, we in subsequent generations become “entangled” with our ancestors as we ”take on” our ancestors’ unresolved trauma, their feelings, behaviors and fate.
“Unconsciously, we could find ourselves reacting to certain people, events, or situations in old, familiar ways that echo the past. Sigmund Freud identified this pattern more than one hundred years ago. Traumatic reenactment, or “repetition compulsion,” as Freud called it, is an attempt of the unconscious to replay what’s unresolved, so we can “get it right.” This unconscious drive to relive past events could be one of the mechanisms at work when families repeat unresolved traumas in future generations.” Mark Wolyn
By becoming aware of such entanglements and experience the original trauma through constellations work in the field, clients can begin to heal and remove unhealthy patterns that were not their own.