Why do People have Tarot Readings?
People request a tarot reading in San Diego for all kinds of reasons. They may be curious but for the most part however, people come for a reading when they have a dilemma, when they are unsure of the next action to take, when they are concerned about their relationships or just want to see if they are on the right course of action. A tarot reading can also be helpful if you are embarking on a path of spiritual and personal development. A tarot reading for me is less about ‘what will happen?’ and more about ‘what can I do to change things?’
In San Diego, many people turn to different forms of spiritual endeavors such as the Tarot to open wider to life's infinite possibilities. A tarot reading provides the space and time for you to reflect upon your life. The cards are like a mirror showing you the situation as you see it and the probable outcomes of your current course of action. Actions come from thoughts and feelings so on a deeper level, the tarot can show you how your view of life is either helping or hindering your goals, dreams and wishes.
Like our surfers, observing the weather conditions, currents and tides in San Diego, the Tarot can also give you a sense of the waves and cycles of your life now . The situation you are currently experiencing may be offering you a deeper message, a transformational opportunity.
The Tarot may show situations that you were previously consciously unaware of and can offer you profound insight into your life. It hopefully empowers you to move forward with confidence and perhaps even suggests new ways of looking at the world which lead to new paths opening up. A good tarot reading gives you a sense of clarity and often a feeing of being connected to a bigger pattern.
I believe that all of us already know what is best for us on some deep level. We all have a soul and a whispering inner spirit which guides and guards us. Sometimes we may choose to listen and other times we may choose to ignore it. The tarot shows the truth of the situation. It shows what is, not how we would like things to be or fear things to be. The role of the tarot reader is to accurately relay the messages contained within the cards and make the picture clear to to the seeker..
Is the Future Already Set?
Over years of working with my tarot cards in San Diego, both for others and regularly for myself, I have noticed one very important factor: the vast majority of the time, the ‘outcome’ is governed by the level of your awareness (such as that of subconscious beliefs) and present choices. That said, there are a few situations which cannot be influenced, however, how they impact upon you is governed by your response to it. I do believe that there are some paths we are supposed to take and some paths best walked by others. These situations may stem from karmic agreements or particular life-lessons which we have come to learn.